Wear a hat day!

Brain tumour research charity

Roy Doble jewellers in Camborne and Helston will be doing it’s bit in supporting the charity ‘Brain tumour research’ in it’s aim to raise 7 million pounds to fund treatment innovations and research into this terrible disease. The statistics are shocking for this type of cancer. Brain cancer research is woefully underfunded, receiving just 0.7% of cancer research spending, yet the disease kills more people under the age of 40 than any other cancer, and is the biggest cancer killer of children in the UK. Cancer spreads to the brain in 20% of all cancers.

March 30th is officially ‘Wear a Hat’ day when you can show your support for the charity Brain Tumour research. You can drop into Roy Doble jewellers now and make a donation in exchange for a colourful badge, with all the money raised going to the charity. We hope others will make the effort to raise money at work or via a coffee morning or car boot sale and info on this and the charity can be found at: www.braintumourresearch.org

Picture of Max


I've worked in the jewellery business now for 40 years in a family owned concern. I also have a Jewellers Diploma from the National Association of Goldsmiths.

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