Cancer research

The contents of our cancer research charity tin in our Camborne branch was emptied in February 2014, and the total came to £68.14. It has now been emptied again (Jan’15) and we’ve raised another £60.48. We don’t like an empty tin so it’s great that the coins add up. Thank you to all those who […]

Money raised for good cause

Our cancer research charity box has recently been collected, emptied and counted, and we’re pleased to say it totals £46.94. For more info on the work this charity does visit Cancer Research UK

Every bit helps!

We’ve had a box of fun and colourful badges in our shops, offered in exchange for donations to Brain Tumour Research, a cause close to our hearts. Currently the charity is trying to raise seven million pounds to fund research into treatments for this condition, that kills more people under the age of 40 than […]

Wear a hat day!

Roy Doble jewellers in Camborne and Helston will be doing it’s bit in supporting the charity ‘Brain tumour research’ in it’s aim to raise 7 million pounds to fund treatment innovations and research into this terrible disease. The statistics are shocking for this type of cancer. Brain cancer research is woefully underfunded, receiving just 0.7% […]